Joan Yatsevich & Steve Mckenzie

Opening at the Goldleaf Gallery (inside Goldleaf Framemakers of Santa Fe) on Friday, October 9, 2009 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm

Joan Yatsevich

Joan Yatsevich will present a series of landscapes on paper.






Steve Mckenzie

I work in a series when I create artwork in the studio. In the October show I will be presenting 2 series. The first is the Aron series. Named for the Hebrew word for Ark, I view these works as Arks carrying very important messages from the past. As a beginning to my creative process, I am always on the hunt for old ephemera that can be part of my work. In this case they are old letters and official documents found in European flea markets from the early to mid 1800’s. When I see these documents and letters I feel compelled to “save” them. They represent monumental times in people’s lives and now rest in old boxes in flea market stalls.

Aquincum (left), taking its name from the original Celtic name for the settlement that became Budapest today, is a 24 x 24 mixed media painting on panel. This work incorporates a birth certificate from the early 1800 written in Latin and sealed by the church. Found in a flea market in the outskirts of Budapest, I knew when I spotted it a couple of years ago that it was destined to find its way into one of my are a result of my exploration of this reality.